Well, we still don’t have any updates on the job front.  These things move at a glacial pace, but unfortunately time waits for no one.  I’m very sorry that I have not been writing much lately.  I certainly think about things that I want to blog and scribble and shout all the damn time, but this is a luxury that I don’t always get.  Last week, I got terrible news that a close friend and family member was diagnosed with colon cancer.  We are all devastated.  She is not even 40 years old, and has two young children who I love like my own.  Today she had surgery to remove the tumor, and we will know more when pathology reports come back next week.  She and her husband are hopeful that after recovery from the surgery, they can put it behind them and move on with a healthy outlook.  I certainly have my fingers crossed for just that to happen.

When I was first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, someone told me that before my year anniversary came around, I would be thanking the universe for the gifts that MS would give.  That’s a hard pill to swallow when you’re in the middle of it.  I scoffed and probably used a few F words, but found myself about nine months later with a new appreciation and respect for life and my chosen family, for time and my children, for health and dis-ease.  MS taught me that life is finite, and health is temporary.  It taught me to scan my body constantly, and pay attention.  It taught me that what I consume matters, and that living a long healthy life is what I want more than anything.  It taught me that nutrition, exercise, and fun are of primary importance.  It taught me to reduce toxins (both chemical and interpersonal).  I hope so much for my friend/sister/cousin that it will be the same for her.

I’m off tomorrow to pick up a big order of beef marrow bones, veal knuckle bones and chicken feet to make a huge measure of stock to help heal up her belly!  Also going to stock up on some Brazil nuts and Vitamin D.  Since she asked me for nutritional help, I’m going to unleash everything I have and knock the hell out of this cancer so it never, ever gains a foothold again.  I’m not having this shit in my family.

Any good thoughts you can send her way are deeply appreciated.  Stay healthy, kiss your kids, and drink your chicken feet.